I am Adamu Cho, a product designer from New York.

The word multidisciplinary is used a lot today in a world where people have multiple skills and knowledge in certain fields. My definition of a multidisciplinary designer comes from my pure curiosity of the field of design and its ever-changing course towards better usability for humankind.

I graduated from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco with a degree in Industrial Design and received my master's at University of Southern California focusing on Integrated Design, Business, and Technology.

Throughout my career, I have developed products for hardware, digital, and architectural spaces. With a keen eye for detail and an interest in building things, my experiences include designing hardware for T-Mobile, UX|UI for MUJI, and experiential spaces for the Freeman Company and Verizon.

I was born in Japan and grew up in mostly large cities due to my fathers work: Tokyo, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Taiwan, Honolulu, and Los Angeles. With my ability to speak English, Mandarin, and Japanese, my diverse background gave me opportunity to experience different cultures. I would say being molded in multicultural child paved a road for my future of becoming a multidisciplinary designer.