Lean Battery

Battery packs are must-have when traveling. Lean solves the problem of limited power and gives a functional way to view your smartphone on the go.


Our client tasked us with creating a portable battery pack that served not only as a charging device for smart devices, but also had an additional feature that could be utilized while on-the-go. Typical battery packs were cumbersome and had no other purpose aside from charging devices. Therefore, we developed the Lean battery pack, which not only charges your device, but also doubles as a kickstand for smartphones while you're out and about.

Project Role: Industrial Designer

Creative Members: George Chen (Product Director), Timothy Ng (Senior Industrial Designer), Samuel Santosa (Electric Engineer)

Company: Superior Communications

Time: 2020 Designed in 3 months

Tools: 3D Printing, Solidworks, Hand sketching, Prototyping, Ideation, User Research, CNC, Injection Molding